Relationship counselling, also known as couples counselling or couples therapy, provides a safe harbour for couples to openly express their feelings in a constructive environment. When we feel attacked or judged, we exhibit defensive behaviours and quite often, neither person feels as though they have been heard. This pattern continues and we rarely get to the essence of what is really going on.
Relationship counselling provides a non-judgemental and safe environment where both partners are given the time to be able to communicate what they are experiencing. Our team offers relationship counselling where the deeper needs and desires of both partners are heard and understood. Both individuals are the client, there is no bias.
We spend time delving into patterns that may have been established before the relationship formed. These patterns may be a roadblock to effective communication. These patterns could be what is holding you back from a strong relationship that is full of respect, connection, appreciation, acceptance and compassion.
The core purpose of relationship counselling is to:
- Give both individuals a ‘voice’ and facilitate effective communication
- Work through any misunderstandings in a non-judgemental manner
- Validate each person’s experience
- Discuss the recurring arguments or disagreements. What is the core reasoning of these?
- Learn how to effectively support and trust each other
- Identify the core personality traits that connected you in the first place
- Re-establish or strengthen the connection
Couples may seek relationship counselling for a variety of reasons. There is no issue too big or too small and our team of compassionate psychologists are here to help you.
Common factors that contribute to relationship problems may include:
- Being time poor and not having enough time to put into the relationship
- Unresolved conflict
- Trust has been compromised
- Feeling misunderstood and unheard
- Holding expectations of each other that may be unrealistic, misunderstood or misaligned
- Financial strains causing high stress
- Continual sense of stress and overwhelm
- Suffering with physical or mental illness
- Life experience or trauma that challenges the strength of the relationship
- Going long periods of time with a lack of joy and overall life fulfillment
- Reduced care or respect
Next steps
We would be humbled to help you. We can provide one-on-one support to one or both partners or relationship counselling with both parties present. You do not need a referral from your doctor to book an appointment with us, however, doing so may attract a medicare rebate. Please contact us for more information about this.